Friday, September 13, 2013


On a different note,

Tis Friday the 13th, which to some equates to the most unlucky or luckiest day of the year. Personally I do not believe in Luck! Not that every single moment has to have a specific meaning, but I do not believe we should rely on random chance to live our lives. If You work, you get paid, If You practice, you get better, and so on... Stop waiting for DESTINY, and Go make One!
So many people sit around waiting for something to happen, versus making the choices & decisions to get the results in their life. We can look to win the lottery, or get involved in pyramid schemes, but the bottom line is it comes down to creating opportunities. Yes, I do agree that unless an opportunity is given, the end result may not be as planned. But I also know that if You are not preparing for that opportunity, you may miss it or not be ready regardless!
We must set goals, clarify our objectives, and work towards them... knowing it is going to take time, effort, sacrifice, commitment, and support. I have been in music now for close to 10 yrs, ergo this is not LUCKY shot. I work at it every single day, as if a full time job... probably even more emotionally connection. I made a choice to enter the US Army to get a career started, which is still providing today! God spoke to my heart once I was willing to let Him in!! I now make choices involving His Will, His Plan, and His Love! Luck is a word for those who are waiting for a random good thing to happen in their life... We ALL seek fulfillment! AND, the clock Hits 3pm twice a day... but with those odds, you'll have a pretty miserable life waiting!
Don't wait on fulfillment, but take the steps to secure a prosperous, fruitful, enjoyable life on this earth! And if You truly want movement, get in line with the One who provides... befriend Him and watch Your life be Full of Love!!
Happy Friday the 13th, maybe it be better than the last one! Hehe

Good day & God Bless,

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