Monday, August 18, 2014

The Formula...

On a different note,

One of the first amazing things I realized when I started living my life by Faith was that I didn't have to be perfect. I'm sure to many that would seem quite contrary! For most of us, we live or have lived for extended periods of time with guilt or shame...a very heavy, destructive and defeating way to go through life. When You spend time with the Lord, you realize all He is looking for is Your heart, Your focus, and You Love! Perfection is Not in the cards my friends... None of Us will ever meet that frivolous expectation!
What I also noticed and know now in my heart, is that this relationship example is to be mirrored and echoed in All areas of our life. Putting our hearts into it, Investing out true Love, and giving it complete focus!! Does that seem so hard? Well, as human beings it is much harder than we might think... thus we must make the conscious choice daily!!
As artists, in whatever medium You choose, imagine if You just put half your heart into it. Or should I say, by expecting any level of success & achievement how could we do that without pouring our hearts into it? How many relationships have you witnessed fall apart due to the lack of effort of one person? You must choose where to put your heart and commit to it... Singers, artists, parents, spouses, workers, etc...We cannot be successful with out commitment & focus on the path we are choosing!
Once have a path laid out before us, a plan or objective to accomplish, we must keep our eyes on that goal! Just like when Peter stepped out of the boat and took His eyes off Jesus, things will sink if we do not maintain & refresh our focus daily! If My dreams are speared to thin, the intensity, energy, focus are shared thus weakening all of them. This is part of our life planning... Where do I wanna be? What am I trying to accomplish? Lord, what plans do You have for me? Don't let the world distract you, don't let 'Keeping up with the Jones'" keep you from your goals!!
LOVE... Love is the glue that binds us! Love is grace, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, patience, selflessness, and many more... it changes the world we live, it transforms our hearts, it will be the aspect that sets us apart! Love comes from personal reflection... what is in our hearts? When we seek perfection, that is a personal view, thus introspective, and self-serving. If we are focused on the ME, I, US, We of any situation, then our focus, our Love, and our Hearts are only seeking internally. If we continue to look only at ourselves, we will live a lonely & empty life... and this will keep us from focusing on the outward effort at hand in achieving our goals! We can spend energy on inward expectations, or put our efforts towards moving in the direction of the things we know to be important! You see, perfection is not achievable, thus not worth wasting energy in hopes of it... Focus on what is fruitful, put your heart into the areas that will be bring true fulfillment, and make sure LOVE is your biggest & best attribute! The formula is clear, repeatable, and proven!

Good day & God Bless,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Love is...

On a different note,

As we venture through this life, we leave a wake behind us. Each of us with a purpose, with an impact, and with opportunity! We will endure trials & heartache but also the thrill of victories & fulfillment of completed goals... but there is not much which compares to the result of Love in our lives. Where would we be with out it?
We all grow up and probably become a little cynical as the dreams of youth get weighed down by the reality of adulthood. But that doesn't mean we need to stay there! As we mature and form our foundations in life, we must then begin to take ownership and make choices as to "Who" & "How" we want to live! We MUST choose to be a better man, a better woman, a better husband or wife, or parent... Life is a challenge, a journey, full of trials... some good and some not so good. but each creating the person we are to this day! But LOVE is what keep us moving... keeps us striving... and get us through those tough times!
Can we think of a larger characteristic in this world? One that has more of an impact on this life we live? We have generosity... rooted in Love! We have sacrifice... rooted in Love! We have relationships... rooted in Love! We have goals, objectives, dreams, passions... which are driven by love! So, even without realizing it... Love does propel this world we live... it does make the world go around!
We all need encouragement to prosper, we all need a support system to achieve the highest goals, and we all need the people around us to know how much they mean in our lives. You see, whether it is parenting, family, art, music, writing, ministry, marriages, etc... LOVE Must be at the core... actually, it IS at the core of healthy, flourishing, enriching, and fruitful endeavors... We just need to acknowledge it!
So, as You go about your day, everyday, be sure and reflect on this continually... it can change a situation instantly, it can renew a relationship over night, it can be the motivation you need to reach that next level of success! Being a man of Faith, I know where Love comes from... I also know it is in our DNA... we are born to seek & give LOVE. But we are also made of free will, thus we must choose it too!
We can get caught up in emotions, life, trials and such but never let yourself forget that You are Loved! You are special! You are vital to the world around you! Choosing LOVE will allow your impact to exceed all of our expectations! It is the life blood... and it can melt the hardest of hearts! Thanks for showing me Love by reading this letter... I hope it inspires you to do Great things!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, August 4, 2014

Life of Harmony...

On a different note,

In music we consider "Harmony" a simultaneous combination of tones. In life we consider it a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts. Balance... If we are always subject to the reactions of this world, or only seeking to fulfill our own personal desires; we then become off balance. Is your life Harmonious and in balance?
It is normal and healthy to set personal goals. But we must all be conscious of the world we live, our choices, and how balanced our life is. Look around and You can see many people who are only focused on a single path. In that, we are closing off opportunities in 80% of our lives. We are missing out on life, and we are shielding ourselves from growth, fulfillment, fruitfulness and possibly prosperity. I remember some one asking me when I was in full time ministry "What are of Ministry did I think God had for Me?"... this of course was an easy answer... None! At the time I was doing Worship, Preaching, Writing Devotionals, etc... My response was that any given day the Lord could use me in any context He desired... My only goal, was to be willing!
But, year prior to that, all I wanted to do was Worship... I was a singer, I wanted to sing! But this kept me from truly growing spiritually... Self serving, even if for a positive objective of singing for the Lord! Now as a singer/songwriter/performer I must also keep my life in balance. If my only goal was to be famous, my life would be very empty... It would hurt those around me, it would close off doors in my life, and it would probably be filled with years of frustration, loneliness, and doubt. We must seek to take back control of our day to day choices!
God, Family, Work, Health, Rest, Fun, etc... We ALL must stop and evaluate... and we must do that periodically. This allows for a more balanced life. Example: Being healthy in general is much more than working out. If You are not strict on your diet, If You are not consistent in the Gym, if You are not getting rest, if You are sacrificing for the better good of your body, you are going to have a hard time. Shoot, even with all those things, it's still an uphill battle... is it not the same for life? Evaluating our choices, seeing the ramifications, or how it will affect all those in our life?
Harmonies in music are very pleasing to the ear... it is pleasant, joyous, and perfectly equal... Don't you want the same results for your life?

Good day & God Bless,